Welcome Video Presentations Powerpoint Presentations Photos Contact Guest Book Catalog Blog What Is Sin? How Was Adam Saved? Bible Questions and Answers Is Sinful Nature In Itself Sin? Can One Live Sinless? SDA Church In Apostasy? Was Enoch Sinless? Original Sin SDA Apostasy - 2 Spirit of Prophecy Resources online  Slide Show Is Jesus Christ Himself God? How Is One Saved? How Can I Have Eternal Life? Are We Sinner By Nature? Jesus's Human Nature Why The Fallen Sinful Nature? The SDA Church Infallibility Who Is The Remnant? Can The 10 Commandment Be Kept Perfectly? Is The SDA Church Now Babylon? What SDA Church Believe Now? Christian Conspiracy Theories The SDA Church Heresy The SDA Church Commandment The SDA Church Apostasy - 2 The Unconditional Salvation Teaching Born In Sin Or Born Sinner Righteousness Or SDA Church? Enoch - The Remnant Sinlessness Is Possible Sinlessness Is Possible - 2 Salvation Is Conditional No Baby Is Born A Sinner Salvation Of Babies

When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the end of time, He warns them in Matthew 24:4, and says, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
As seekers of the truth in Jesus Christ, let us ensure to test every doctrine from the Scriptures - Isaiah 8:20.
Let's test this doctrine that says,  "Babies Are Born Sinners."
1. The False Belief
The belief that says, “Babies are born sinners” stemmed out of the belief that says, “The fallen sinful nature in itself is sin.” When one believes that the fallen sinful nature in itself is sin, one has to believe also that every baby that is born with a fallen sinful nature is born a sinner.
2. The Goal of this presentation
We are going to prove that the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.  Once we proved that the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin, then, we can conclude that all babies that are born with a fallen sinful nature are not born sinners.
Proof 1 -
Sin is the transgression of the law – 1 John 3:4. One is a sinner when he/she transgresses the law of God. One is not a sinner by inheriting a fallen sinful nature. Unless you commit adultery, you are not an adulterer. Unless you rob something, you are not a robber. You can only become a sinner if you transgressed the law of God. Jesus Christ never transgressed the law of God, thus, He was not a sinner. No baby that inherited the fallen sinful nature from Adam and Eve transgressed the law at the stage of a fetus or at birth. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin
Proof 2
To transgress the law in order to become a sinner is by one’s own choice. One does not become a sinner without a choice. Since we inherited the fallen sinful nature without a choice, therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 3
God does not create sinners. God does not create human beings as sinners from birth. God created all of us with a fallen sinful nature with the power of choice to either choose Him or Satan. We become sinners by our choices, not by creation or by birth. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 4
Sin is not transferable from the father to the son or from the son to the father – Ezekiel 18:20. The fallen sinful nature is inherited from Adam and Eve without a choice. If the fallen sinful nature is sin, then sin would be transferable from one to another.  Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 5
Lucifer sinned in heaven at the time he had a sinless nature. He never had a fallen sinful nature before he sinned. Therefore, sin is not by the fallen sinful nature, but by the transgression of the law. The fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 6
Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden by transgressing the law of God when they ate the forbidden fruit. They never had a fallen sinful nature when they ate the fruit. They had a sinless nature then. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 7
Adam and Eve after the eating of the forbidden fruit, they inherited the fallen sinful nature. The fallen sinful nature was not the cause of their sin but the result of their sin.  Since they only inherited a fallen sinful nature after breaking the law of God, therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 8
We all inherited the fallen sinful nature from Adam and Eve without a choice. No one will be condemned for inheriting the fallen sinful nature. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 9
The wages of sin is eternal death – Romans 6:23. You and I will be shut out of heaven because of our choice to sin. But we won’t be shut out of heaven for having a fallen sinful nature. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 10
If we are sinners because of our fallen sinful nature inherited without a choice, then we are not responsible for sin. In fact, God would be responsible for sin if we are born sinners without our choice. Since we are sinners by choice, therefore, we are responsible for sin.  Evidently, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 11
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Anyone who is Christ is a new creature.”  Galatians 5:16 says, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”  It is evident in the above Scriptures that we are not conditioned to sin by our fallen sinful nature since a new life is attainable when we walk in the Spirit. When we are in Christ, we will live a Christ-like life. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 12
When Jesus Christ says to Mary in John 8:11, “Go and sin no more.” If Jesus Christ’s says to go and sin no more, evidently, a sinless life is attainable. So, no one is conditioned to sin by the human fallen sinful nature. Therefore, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin.
Proof 13
Being born with a fallen sinful nature does not automatically make one a sinner. Jesus Christ was born with a fallen sinful nature like us, yet He never sinned. Therefore, no baby that is born with a fallen sinful nature is born a sinner. Evidently, the fallen sinful nature in itself is not sin. (This topic on the human nature of Christ probably needs to be proven for those who do not know the truth about His fallen sinful nature).
Proof 14
(Any text in Scripture that may seem to contradict all of these proofs in the 13 points above must be re-interpreted in the light of the above truths to ensure that they do not contradict the above truths. We will deal with Pslam 51:5, Romans 3:23; 5:12 later to see that the Bible does not contradict itself because it is the same author, the Holy Spirit that inspired the prophets to write the Scriptures.)
Evil Consequences
Why is the belief that says, “Babies Are Born Sinners,” so evil? When the church believes and teaches her members to believe in this Catholic teaching, the consequences are as follows:
1. That sin is by nature, instead of the transgression of the law.
2. That sin is without a choice since we inherited a fallen sinful nature without a choice.
3. That sin is a state/condition since it is by inheritance from birth.
4. That sin is transferable from Adam and Eve to everyone.
5. That one cannot help but to sin because of his/her condition.
6. That one is conditioned to sin all his/her lifetime.
7. That one is not responsible for sin.
8. That one has a license to sin.
9. That sin can be excused.
10. That one can be saved in sin since he/she cannot overcome and live a life without sin.
11. That God becomes responsible for sin.
12. This teaching abolishes the law of God aside and grants salvation to sinners in sin.
13. This teaching cannot accept the fact that Jesus Christ was born with a fallen sinful nature, but that does not make Him a sinner because sinful nature is not sin.
14. This teaching contradicts the Scriptures – Anything that contradicts the Scriptures is not of God, but of the devil.
What does the SDA Church Believe Now?
The SDA Church believes in “Babies Are Born Sinners,” as well as, “The fallen sinful nature in itself is sin.”
You will now understand why the SDA Church makes these statements below which reflect her new theology on sin.
SDA Statement 1
A sinful nature is itself sin and automatically stands condemned. Therefore, Christ had to take a sinless human nature (like Adam’s before the Fall) in order to substitute Himself vicariously for our sinful nature, which stands condemned.”  
Book: Beyond Belief by Jack Sequeira, p.42 (He is a retired Pastor of the SDA Church).
SDA Statement 2
 “Seventh-day Adventists believe that man and woman were created perfect moral beings at Creation. However, they sinned. As a result, the perfect world God desired for them was marred. We are all born now as sinful beings, and in need of a Savior.”
Book: Who are the Seventh-day Adventists?  by John Seaman. Chapter 2, “What Do Seventh-day Adventists Believe? Page, 15 [1997 Edition]
SDA Statement 3
“One does not have to do bad things to be a sinner, and not doing bad things does not make one sinless. In order to be a sinner, all one has to do is to be born.  All of us are born with inherent sinful natures. Mankind is not only born in sin but continues in sin.”    
Collegiate Lesson Pamphlet, 01 May, 2000, p.50 (2nd Quarter, 2000.)
SDA Statement 4
 “Sin as a State.” p. 246
“A corrupt and sinful nature yields sinful acts. Matthew 15:19”
“Sin as a Specific Kind of Evil.” p.247
Humans are not sinners because they commit sin, but they sin because they are sinners.”
Book, “Handbook of Seventh-Day  Adventist Theology” Commentary Reference Series, Vol. 12, p.164 – Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD 21740, 2000.
SDA Statement 5
“Is Sinfulness inherited or acquired?  …… Although as children we acquire sinful behavior through imitation, the above texts affirm that we inherit our basic sinfulness.” 
Source Book: Seventh Day Adventists Believe,… 27  Fundamental Beliefs, 1988 edition, p.90-91
SDA Statement 6
“Sin is a condition of the human nature in its alienation from God. Because of the fall, the human “heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.”
Adult Sabbath School Lesson Pamphlet, 4 Quarter, 2008, p.25 [Atonement and the Cross of Christ – Lesson 3, “The Fall Into Sin”, Tuesday, October 14, 2008, p.25
The false teachings of “Babies are born sinners,” and, “The fallen sinful nature in itself is sin,” are Catholic teachings which are Babylon. Whatever Church that believes in it is Babylon as well.