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Unconditional Salvation
This teaching says, "When Jesus Christ died at Calvary, He saved everyone born and yet to be born to this earth unconditionally. You have nothing to do in order to be saved for you have been saved unconditionally. It is a free gift and it is uncondtional."
If Christ has saved everyone unconditonally including Adam and Eve who became the first sinners on earth, then we need to clarify it further to get the real truth or we could be deceived:-
According to the above theory, this is what it would mean::-
1. After Adam and Eve had sinnned, they were saved unconditionally without their choices.
[The evil effect - Adam and Eve were saved in sin].
2. They were saved without having to confess any sins.
[The evil effect - Adam and Eve were saved in sin] 
3. They were saved without having to repent from their sin of eating the forbidden fruit.
[The evil effect - Adam and Eve were saved in sin]
4. They were saved without having to believe in the plan of salvation shared by God in the Garden of Eden through the animal sacrifice.
[The evil effect - They were saved in sin]
5. They were saved without having to love God.
[The evil effect - They were saved in sin]
6. They were saved without having to have faith in God's redemptive plan to save them.
[The evil effect - They were saved in sin]
7. They were saved without having to obey God since they had disobey God and were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. 
[The evil effect - They were saved in sin].
8. Since Adam and Eve were already saved without their choices; when would they loose their salvation free gift? ............
9. If Salvation was received unconditionally, then, why should Adam and Eve be thrown out of the Garden of Ede in the first place?  ..............................
10. Is this teaching saying that Adam and Eve only being thrown out of the Garden of Eden but they did not really lose eternal life because they had unconditional salvation? ............
11. Isn't this theory contradicting? ....  Just by logic reasoning alone without going into the Scriptures yet, it reveals the baloney of this teaching..
Why is this teaching of unconditional salvation, so evil?
1. It advocates that one can be saved without his/her own choice. (Power of choice is a fundamental truth).
2. It advocates that God predestines one to salvation instead of an offer for you to be saved and you need to make a choice.
3. It advocates forgiveness of sins without repentance since one is saved without a choice.
4. It advocates a license to sin since you have already been saved before your sins committed.
5. It advocates that sin can be excused since forgiveness is already given in advance.
6. It advocates that God forces one to be saved without one’s choice.
7. It destroys the law.
8. It abolishes the law.
9. If the law is destroyed and abolished, then expect sin to be immortalized – one will continue to sin.
10. It advocates that one can be saved in sin instead of from sin.
“Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan.” – Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p.55.
“In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.” Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p.55
The teaching of unconditional salvation is from the devil, period.